A Long, Long Love Ago Free Download with Direct Links, Google Drive, MEGA, Torrent.

- Title: A Long, Long Love Ago
- Developer: OTUSUN LAND
- Publisher: OTUSUN LAND
- Release date: Japanese 2021-01-29, English 2021-07-30
- Version: Final
- Language: English (Official)
- Censored: Yes (Mosaics)
A Long, Long Love Ago is OTUSUN LAND’s newest title, a short visual novel about the relationship that forms between an unlikely couple. After young, grizzled giant Gwyn has a chance – or perhaps not-so-chance – encounter with waifish Erin in the forest, their lives quickly become intertwined. The story offers a few glimpses into their blossoming friendship, and is fully voice-acted in Japanese.

Please note this is an adult-oriented title which depicts explicit, consensual sexual situations.
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