Atelier Agnes Free Download with Direct Links, Google Drive, MEGA, Torrent.

Atelier Agnes Free Download with Direct Links, Google Drive, MEGA, Torrent.
- Title: Atelier Agnes
- Developer: AQ organization
- Publisher: WASABI entertainment (Website)
- Release date: 17 Dec, 2021
- Version: Final
- Language: English, Japanese, Chinese (Official)
- Censored: Yes (Mosaics)
- Store: Steam
All characters are aged above 18.
Atelier Agnes Free Download with Direct Links, Google Drive, MEGA, Torrent. “Agnes Lavlie” is a girl-chemist running her business in the suburbs of the Trading City.

Even though she lost her parents in her childhood, she still lived modestly with her younger sister, Lufa, at her grandmother’s house, who appeared to be an alchemist-
She couldn’t stop worrying about her sister who was suffering from a weird disease called “Sleeping Beauty”; A disease that makes her sleep for most of the day.
One day, when Agnes was on her way to gathering in the woods, she meets her master of alchemy, Bell Faris, for the first time in 7 years.
Because Bell had a debt that she had to return, she decides to utilize Agnes’s talent, beauty and her credulous character.
While she acts as if she were teaching alchemy to cure her sister, she tries to repay by making her take part in secret businesses.

On the other hand, Agnes has to grind herself to gather ingredients for her alchemy, and during her journey, she gets involved in many happenings.
■Genre: Crafting × Adventure RPG
◆Crafting with Alchemy◆
Agnes can use “Alchemy” to craft items with ingredients gathered in dungeons.
Using these items will make combat easier, and may open up new routes in dungeons.
◆TP(Tactical Point) System◆
Gathering, Alchemy, Combat, moving around maps in dungeons…All these actions consume TP.
Losing all your TP will make you unable to take action, so for example, resting at your house or using items will be effective for recovery.

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