Battle Princess Lacia and the Fallen Fortress [V1.17] [kurotozakka]

Battle Princess Lacia and the Fallen Fortress

Battle Princess Lacia and the Fallen Fortress Free Download

Lacia just graduated the military academy with honors, and now she’s on her way to her first posting — a distant fortress by the name of Krayst.
When she arrives, however, she finds that the place has fallen into utter chaos.
And it’s all the fault of the fort’s leader, General Gustav.
He’s given into his greed, and sees his new recruit as little more than an outlet for his sick sexual desires.
The villagers no longer trust the soldiers meant to protect them.
it’s up to Lacia to restore Fort Krayst’s good name and with it, the reputation of the entire army!

Battle Princess Lacia and the Fallen Fortress [V1.17] [kurotozakka]
Battle Princess Lacia and the Fallen Fortress [V1.17] [kurotozakka]

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