- Title: Hakuisei Aijou Izonshou
- Original title: 白衣性愛情依存症
- Year: Japan 2015-04-30, English Version 2016-07-07
- Developer: Kogado Studio
- Publishers: Degica
- Language: English
- Voice: Japanese
Asuka Osachi, a ditzy and easy-going girl, graduates from high school and enrolls in Teito Nursing School along with her younger sister, Nao.
With their two classmates Itsuki and Sakuya and their instructor Kaede, the girls will experience what it means to be an adult… and a nurse.
They’ll laugh and cry together as they wade through this confusing time in their lives.

Decide how Asuka and her friends will spend their three years at Teito Nursing School!
All Ages Version
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All Ages Version
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