The game’s story revolves around Eira, a witch who manages a magical potion shop called the “Green Cottage.” In the midst of an unexpected snowstorm, she, along with the dashing canine butler Ralph, embarks on a journey to fulfill an “urgent commission.” Players have five days to complete this mission and, at the same time, immerse themselves in interactive experiences with Ralph and other characters.
What sets this game apart from most adult-oriented games is the unique dynamic. As the player takes on the role of Eira, the once-feared “Potion Queen,” and with the charming Ralph as your butler, you naturally hold the reins. How you choose to wield this control to find enjoyment is left for players to explore.
- Title: Snowbound Days With Ralph
- Developer: Gearonin Studio
- Publisher: Gearonin Studio
- Release date: 10 Oct, 2023
- Version: Final
- Language: English, Japanese, Chinese (Official)
- Censored: No (Uncensored)
- Store: Steam
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