Vampire Fuck Free Download with Direct Links, Google Drive, MEGA, Torrent.

- Title: Vampire Fuck
- Developer: PEACH CAT
- Publisher: PEACH CAT
- Release date: 1 Dec, 2015
- Last updated: 3 Dec, 2015
- Version: Final
- Language: English (Fan Translate by Daedroth)
- Censored: Yes (Mosaics)
- Store: Dlsite
* Story
Vampire Fuck Free Download with Direct Links, Google Drive, MEGA, Torrent. Cheres, a vampire with special genes, left the castle
on a journey of love and life.
Using her body for everything from battles to quests
to prostitution, 4 different endings await.
![Vampire Fuck Vampire Fu*k [PEACH CAT]](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ156000/RJ155787_img_smp1.jpg)
* Full game system
31 battle CGs + 37 event CGs = 68 base CGs
Further cut-ins, bonuses, etc.
Battles are 1-vs-1 BF (battle f*ck)
Click the “next” button for sequential illustrations in looping animation.
Choose from 6 outfits (+ 1 variation) and total nudity
Between the player and enemies there are over 120 different skills
Enemies also come in more than 120 varieties with diverse attacks
![Vampire Fuck Vampire Fu*k [PEACH CAT]](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ156000/RJ155787_img_smp3.jpg)
There 65 quests, many of which progress the story
Ecchi events come within these quests and story-related
There are 37 ecchi events, and looping anime variations
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