Slow living with Princess Free Download with Direct Links, Google Drive, MEGA, Torrent.

Slow living with Princess Free Download with Direct Links, Google Drive, MEGA, Torrent.
- Title: Slow living with Princess
- Publisher: 0UP GAMES
- Release date: 7 Oct, 2021
- Version: Early Access (Build 7952756 – SAUNA UPDATE!)
- Language: English, Japanese, Chinese (Official)
- No Sexual Content!
Slow living with Princess Free Download with Direct Links, Google Drive, MEGA, Torrent. Red has been kicked out of the party of heroine who were adventuring to defeat the Demon Lord. He retires from the front lines of the battle and opens an apothecary in the frontier called Zoltan. Now his happy new life depends on the relationship with former tsundere(hot-cold personality) princess and his cute little sister, Ruti who is the world only hope for defeating the Demon Lord as the heroine.

It’s been three years since the invasion of Avalon by Taraxon, the Raging Demon Lord, who rules the Dark Continent. In just three years, half of the continent has fallen into the hands of the Demon Lord. It seemed that there was nothing that humans could do about it… But God did not abandon people.
A girl, Ruti Ragnason, commanded the troops in the provinces where there was almost no defensive force and defeated the advance troops of the Demon Lord. She appeared in the royal capital with the evidence that everyone could see, the “Divine Blessing of the Hero”.

Gideon Ragnason has been discharged from Ruti’s party because he was not “strong enough”. Since then, he has retired from the front lines of the battle and changed his name to Red. Now he opens an Apothecary in the frontier called Zoltan and hopes to have a happy slow living life style.
V20211230 (Sauna Update)
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