Straydog Fiance Re stray Free Download with Direct Links, Google Drive, MEGA, Torrent.
- Title: Straydog Fiance Re stray
- Publisher: animal trail
- Release: Jan/08/2021
- Language: English
- Censored: Yes (Mosaics)
Straydog Fiance Re stray Free Download with Direct Links, Google Drive, MEGA, Torrent.
This work is a gaiden work that contains four episodes that could not be described in “Stray Dog Fiance”, but we have made it so that even those who have not played the previous work can enjoy it!
This game is designed to be enjoyed by those who have not played the previous game!

There are not only nasty stray dogs, but also horses, cows, pigs, and chimps. This is the first time I’ve ever seen such a thing.
Contains 20 basic CGs and 177 Mating Scenes including differential!
In the basement of the “Vagabond’s Hut” located on the riverbed on the east side of town, there is once again a reminiscence room where you can relive H scenes!

The code input system has been eliminated, and the “orb” will appear after you watch the ending of each episode!
We’ve also implemented a special trick that lets you unlock the sex scenes on the spot!
1… Only episode 4 requires a special item that can be obtained by conquering the dungeon.
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