Strip Fighter 5: Chimpocon Edition Free Download with Direct Links, Google Drive, MEGA, Torrent.

Strip Fighter 5: Chimpocon Edition Free Download with Direct Links, Google Drive, MEGA, Torrent.
- Title: Strip Fighter 5: Chimpocon Edition
- Developer: StudioS
- Publisher: Eroge Japan
- Release date: 11 Dec, 2021
- Version: Final
- Language: English, Japanese, Chinese (Official)
- Ecchi (Non H-scenes) content!
- Store: Steam
Strip Fighter 5: Chimpocon Edition Free Download with Direct Links, Google Drive, MEGA, Torrent. 22 eccentric fighters battle for supremacy in a mysterious underground fighting competition!Rush your opponent, shatter their guard, then wipe them out with an over-the-top finisher!
Brimming with tongue-in-cheek humor, excess violence, and wanton titillation…re-experience a classic age of gaming
with this love filled tribute to hardcore fans of 90’s era 2D fighting games!
Punch, kick, and grapple to utilize 4 special move meters and claim victory over your opponents!
S Technique
Each character has a unique technique for either offensive, defensive, or mobility.
Successful use of this ability will build your S gauge which will give you even more edge on your opponent!
S Factor
A powerful ability you can unleash after building your S gauge.
This can temporarily buff your fighter’s damage, unlock special combos, or provide other advantageous effects!
Bra Buster
Each time your opponent guards an attack, their wardrobe gauge is weakened.
Once this gauge reaches 0 a bra buster occurs, stunning your opponent and leaving them wide open!
Use an aggressive fighting style to break through your opponent’s defenses!
S Combo
Consumes a full SP gauge and unleashes your characters deadliest and most elaborate attack.
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