Lady Knight Saga Free Download with Direct Links, Google Drive, MEGA, Torrent.
- Title: Lady Knight Saga
- Circle: Tsukinomizu Project
- Release date: Aug/29/2011
- Version: V1.07
- Language: English (Fan Translate by Arenara)
- Censored: Yes (Mosaics)
Lady Knight Saga Free Download with Direct Links, Google Drive, MEGA, Torrent.
Full title: Lady Knight Saga -The Woman Knight and the Tale of the Dragon-
(Japanese: Redy Naito Saga -Onna Kishi to Ryuu Monogatari-)
![Lady Knight Saga Lady Knight Saga [Tsukinomizu Project]](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ082000/RJ081295_img_smp1.jpg)
* Scenario *
Threatened by the rebirth of the wind-dragon for so long known only to folklore,
princess Maria, 3rd daughter of the empire, commanded her knight to subdue it—
* Gameplay *
Lady Knight Saga is a 9-chapter RPG of high fantasy with hentai.
Follow the main scenario of the lady knight on her quest to kill the dragon,
making friends, and love, along the way — not always willingly!
– Build your party from 25 total possible characters
– Enjoy over 45 H scenes built on 40 base CGs (over 250 total CGs)
– Hentai spans tentacle sex to yuri/lesbian
(with some futanari, object penetration, gangbang, anal, pissiing fetish, etc…)
![Lady Knight Saga Lady Knight Saga [Tsukinomizu Project]](https://img.dlsite.jp/modpub/images2/work/doujin/RJ082000/RJ081295_img_smp3.jpg)
Get it on or be gotten on with by your party at the inn,
fall into sexy traps, fail battles and be assaulted by monsters,
take on lewd part-time jobs, even be attacked by a villager…
The game has a gradually increasing “corruption meter”.
You can do a virgin run, beating the game with zero sex.
* Battles are classic RPG command style
* Over 100 total species of custom designed monsters
* The soundtrack boasts over 60 original songs
* Scene replay, CG replay modes (in-game)
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